Beautification Awards



Hunters Pointe was selected as a recipient of the City of Farmington Hills Beautification Award.  The placard is prominently displayed at our entrances.  

Hunters Pointe

Homeowners Ass​ociation

Farmington Hills, Michigan

And in Other News

Real Estate Prices continue to rise

Zillow is showing a larger than average increase in values for homes in our subdivision!

Click the link below to go to Zillow's webpage.

                       Take me to ZILLOW!


Hunters Pointe Honored Again in 2022!


Hunters Pointe has a Management Company

At our Annual Meeting, the Board, and members present, discussed bringing on a management company.  The Board has recognized there is an overwhelming need for this.  Some of the roles had become a second job to some of our volunteers and we felt it was overly burdened our volunteers that also had young families.  We will be transitioning to Briden Management in Q1 of 2021.  

What does this mean?  You still have a Board that will make all decisions.  The Board will have full oversight on anything that happens in our subdivision.  What goes away?  The grimble and day-to-day.  Many of the daily tasks like collection & posting of dues, annual IRS filings, Title letters, and calls for issues in our subdivision will first go directly to our Management Company.  The cost is de-minimus and we are confident they will be able to respond more quickly, in some circumstances, since this IS their full-time job.

Revised Declarations of Restrictions (DoR) and ByLaws

The HPHA Board members began a journey in 2017 to unify and bring up-to-date our Declarations of Restrictions and ByLaws.  This came about due to the frustration of both the residents and Board members needing clarity of those documents.  Board members, who are all homeowners in our subdivision, in conjunction with an attorney that is an expert in this field have completed documents that were drafted in the best interest of all residents of our beautiful subdivision. 

Presently, HPHA has six different DoR for the 204 homes.  Most subdivisions have a single document.  How did this happen?  Hunters Pointe was developed in six phases.  The documents were created by the Builder of each in the 80s.  Having six documents creates confusion for both potential and existing homeowners.  During our review, we found conflicting language between the six documents when it should be a single standard for the entire subdivision.  There was also language discussing development which will no longer happen as there is no longer any area to expand.

Further, as an example, our ByLaws do not speak to today's lifestyles and the electronic age we live in.  We are no longer living in the early 80s.  Many residents have strongly voiced a preference for electronic communication as well as paper communication.  We have added that as a communication option as we currently have no provision for this in our outdated documents.

This lack of clarity and the outdated nature of our current DoR and ByLaws hamper both the homeowners and HPHA alike.  Keeping our current documents is similar to having a thirty-year-old will.  

Because our old ByLaws are very outdated and restrictive, we need to have 2/3 of the residents approve these so we can all move forward with the clarity these new documents will bring.  Please ensure you vote!

Click below for a memorandum that details the changes to our DoR & ByLaws

Memo of Changes

Below are the newly drafted DoR and ByLaws

Amended and Restated Declarations of Restrictions 

Amended and Restated By Laws

Financial Presentations from Annual Meetings 

PowerPoint: 2020 Presentation

PowerPoint: 2019 Presentation  

PowerPoint: 2018 Presentation 

Discontinued.  News now on webpage



June 2018


December 2017

May 2017


April 2016

November 2016

December 2016


June 2015 

October 2015



October 2014